Think warm, approachable, team player and you’re thinking Marisa! But behind that smile and warmth there’s a ruthless researcher and insight-gleaner. As a Certified Coding Specialist (CCS), Marisa effortlessly navigates payer guidelines and policies to accurately interpret benefits on both the medical and pharmacy side.

Marisa brings more than 20  years of experience in hospital billing and physician coding to DKP, including working in an emergency department and various surgical specialties executing procedural and E/M coding practices. Her precision in navigating the complex labyrinth of billing and coding guidelines makes her a superhero in healthcare reimbursement.

At home, Marisa is a baking ninja who whips up mouthwatering desserts that could convert even the staunchest non-believers into sugar worshippers. When she’s not whisking up a storm, you can find her swapping her apron for hiking boots or traveling garb, refreshing her soul on adventures to new places.